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Chat/Quote #39 +(-18)-
<Corona>: In New York 2 years ago, 200 monks decided to meditate in Time Square, and their goal was to reduce crime in the city by 25%
<Corona>: At first, they were made fun of by the police
<Corona>: After one week, they ended up getting support from the police
<Corona>: Because in one week, there was a 25% drop
<ZackVixACD>: damn Monks, they have a lot of mana
<TheSeraph>: do i get girls if i meditate in a shopping centre?

Chat/Quote #134 +(44)-
AgentFriedTofu: Jask
AgentFriedTofu: is a godly entity
Kevan: ZOMG wheres my saviour
Adalet: Sleeping, probably.

Chat/Quote #152 +(9)-
<Adalet> Hey Seamus, want a snowball?
<Seamus> No thanks, adalet
<Mudkip> Seamus, care for some teabagging?
<Seamus> Once again, no thanks.
<Adalet> Is it the coconut Seamus?
<Adalet> The consistency of the coconut? Would you just rather have.. A twinkie?
<Mr_Popo> G, want some buttsecks?
<&Jask> Don't think I've tried snowballing. Wouldn't mind trying though.
<&Jask> BJ and kissing, I get two awesome things.
<Adalet> ...
<Adalet> I meant... the.. Hostess snack.. Snowball...
<&Jask> Oh, right. I'd forgotten about those
<&Jask> Only had them once or twice
<Mr_Popo> lol
* Adalet walks away twitching

Chat/Quote #117 +(64)-
Freakonature00: what time is it in canada now
TheSeraph: tiger time

Chat/Quote #95 +(5)-
<Seamus>Sorry I called you a bitch yesterday, I didn't actually mean it.

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