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Chat/Quote #269 +(264)-
I don't actually like Monster Hunter. I hate it. I hate it with every fiber of my being. That is why I want to destroy it. I have to kill every monster in my path. The game is playing dirty, so I am playing dirty as well. I must make the best weapons in the game and completely and utterly destroy it until nothing is left.The satisfaction I feel when taking down the 100th Rathalos and finally get his fucking ruby is unbeatable.
God I hate this game. And I can't stop playing it because I hate it so much.

Chat/Quote #322 +(175)-
<Zinogre's Revival XXShanks> See, this is why I can't enjoy P3rd.
Not even 2 minutes in and going online with four dudes my entire shit just shits on itself. Explosive diarrhea

Chat/Quote #332 +(173)-
What goes around, comes around and hits your harder. And that pretty much goes for every tail spin spamming mother fuckers who hits you the second you dodge the first spin. Bastards.

Chat/Quote #330 +(171)-
Jay: im gonna go to japan and punch whoever the fuck programmed rathalos to go from 9 to 4 then immidetly leave and go back to 9.

Chat/Quote #328 +(155)-
Blaze00(aren): an GL ,LS and a DS user in the same party.
Jennie (ブラックピンク): all for a Bow and GS lmao
Blaze00(aren): this gonna be fun
Jennie (ブラックピンク): What about the pellet shots?
Jennie (ブラックピンク): damnit
Sibrilu: @Blaze00(aren) where ill join with pellets
Blaze00(aren): lol
Blaze00(aren): same gh
Jennie (ブラックピンク): oh fuck lmao
Jennie (ブラックピンク): this is going to the quotes

Chat/Quote #313 +(153)-
>Kills kut-ku
<Hunter 1>: finally!
<Hunter 2>: What a magnificent creature! Truly a beauty among all. This creature did not have to die.

Chat/Quote #93 +(151)-
Seamus: What? The ONLY way to unlock Hawkeye is to register for online stat tracking with Gamespy...
ZackVixACD: what? you get Hawkeye from completing G-level training
Kogath: -_-
Seamus: ...
***Kogath smacks Zack
Seamus: Seriously, Zack...
Yagami_Riato: lol@zack

Chat/Quote #325 +(143)-
<TheATG/Adrian (Tip Master)> I carted to vespoids in F1 once
<TheATG/Adrian (Tip Master)> Got stunned by preys and pushed in the cave in the jungle where there were a shit ton of vespoids waiting for me

Chat/Quote #327 +(142)-
<towa> game "wait this guy has luck booster AND mega lucky cat, he must need something"
"better give him trash"

Chat/Quote #321 +(137)-
<pand> Hey gunlance is my favorite weapon!
<pand> And I really know how to play with it. Even online with other players
<pand> I am my favorite weapon type. How did you figure it out?!
<ZackVixACD> my favorite weapon is sex
<pand> too bad you don't know how to use it

Chat/Quote #326 +(136)-
<Ostarion >@Angus Blanchard, i just got locked by 5 bullfango in area 9 of forest and hills last night. everytime i get up they charge me.
<Ostarion> then i got carted

Chat/Quote #324 +(136)-
<TheATG/Adrian (Tip Master)> fuck I went into a quest with a bow but I have clips for my bowgun

Chat/Quote #71 +(133)-
—› nick: (Joshua[away]) is now known as (Joshua)
(ZackVixACD) hey Joshua
(ZackVixACD) >=( I don't care if you are a staff! You are here, YOU TALK ABOUT MONSTER HUNTER
(ZackVixACD) OR I personally ban you!
• ZackVixACD sets mode +b on Joshua and Joshua alone
(Joshua) lol
(ZackVixACD) Ah! there you are :P You talked
(Joshua) its a miracle!
(TheSeraph) omfg
(TheSeraph) joshua speaks
(Seamus) Holy crap.
(Seamus) He actually typed something.
(ZackVixACD) man, I gotta save that apparition of Joshua
(ZackVixACD) do you think it is worthy of being quoted?
(Joshua) of course im worthy to be quoted!
(ZackVixACD) :O

Chat/Quote #240 +(126)-
<BigO>: im hr 1
<BigO>: i have a Go
<BigO>: psp go
<GeneStarwind>: aww
<GeneStarwind>: so much phail

Chat/Quote #10 +(120)-
tm10: There was a girl I saw today who was really cute and shy. She was playing a hand held game and I was going to ask her out. I saw that it was a DS and I just walked away.

Chat/Quote #21 +(112)-
wapaloola: dual monoblos shouldnt be too bad

Chat/Quote #317 +(112)-
(naudiz) ShadyFigure: why do I need to sharpen my horn?
(ZackVixACD) so that you can play the sharp notes better, duh

Chat/Quote #58 +(107)-
Goemar: Nope, being an asshole doesn't make you a different species or sub-species, just makes you an asshole. Damn Devilblos.

Chat/Quote #54 +(106)-
BGoodman: Can you break the blue Kut-Ku's ears with a LS?
ZackVixACD: quick, someone answer to that in a sarcastic fashion
ZackVixACD: I will do it then :/
BGoodman: :[ . I'm a noob, I know.
ZackVixACD: if the Sword is Long and the ear is blue, maybe it will cut
ZackVixACD: awww... :( that sucked
BGoodman: That did suck.
BGoodman: *breaks ears*
BGoodman: Fuck yeah.
ZackVixACD: see? see?

Chat/Quote #314 +(102)-
11:47 PM <patersonman> sohai you need to hold off on explosive arrows when hes stuned and everyone else is attacking him cause you send us all flying which wastes the traps
11:48 PM <patersonman> he did that to us every time we used a trap

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